Want to know more about the greatest innovation to hit rolling papers since 1900? “Instead of being folded in the middle, each of these leaves is folded in the perfect spot for easier, perfect rolling. This new invention can only be described as THE PERFECT FOLD ™ OK so what is the perfect spot? We surveyed people from every market we could reach and reached a consensus of what the absolute perfect range would be to fold the paper. Then we built a special machine in Alcoy Spain (the birthplace of rolling paper) to fold them this PERFECT way. Alas, now we can finally bring you ELEMENTS PERFECT FOLD. They’re easier to roll than regular interleaved papers. This, coupled with our CrissCross run-preventing watermark and ultra thin rice paper, together we are making Elements the greatest thin rolling papers ever made. This is the kind of invention you probably expect from us by now, and we want you to know how much we appreciate your support.